Peace Above The Coming Storm • April 22-29, 2017 • 7 PM
Our rapidly changing world is showing signs of great and stupendous events just on the horizon. Things from climate change to political and financial instability have become a global concern. The challenges of today are placing future generations in uncertain peril. Where can we turn to find answers to the perplexities of our times? Is there any hope for us today? God’s Word offers us clear answers that will fill our hearts with peace to rise above the coming storm.
During this exciting event you will gain fresh insights into the growing problems of our day and the awesome truths the Bible gives to a planet in peril. These thrilling presentations will fill your heart with hope knowing that the God of the bible has all things under His loving care.
Saturday, April 22 to Saturday April 29 • 7 pm Nightly
363 Woodland Parkway, San Marcos, CA. 92069
Can’t make it to the event any evening? No worries! Come here to watch live or catch up on missed presentations. We will be posting them here for your spiritual growth and viewing pleasure. Feel free to share it with your friends and family members.
Each evening we will have a Q&A section where we will provide biblical answers to your questions. We also have a team of dedicated prayer warriors which will be lifting up your prayer requests up to the Lord. We believe He will answer according to His tender loving will. Be hopeful!
With special guest and international speaker Eddy Perez
About Our Presenter:
Eddy Pérez, a walking miracle, was born blind, but today he sees! As a youth he turned his back on God, rejecting any divine miracle as purely false. After years of rebellion Eddy discovered this startling truth was in fact true. Today Eddy travels the world telling his story, and sharing the power of God’s love in a dynamic and powerful way. His innovative approach and fresh simplicity appeals to both young and old alike as he presents God’s Word with his contagious enthusiasm and remarkable clarity.
Don’t miss a single presentation!